A shot of adrenaline into any business is always a great idea, particularly through spinoffs.
If you’re a newly created spinoff company, operating on your own means pursuing independent growth, right? You’re exercising newfound agility and attracting new opportunities. All these efforts that need to be communicated well to your stakeholders, particularly your investment community.
When it comes to communications, your website is the most powerful tool to bolster you through this major business transformation and set you on the path towards growth. It will anchor the communications strategy for your new entity, allowing you to convey your new brand and promote your news to investors.
The new website of Australian Strategic Materials (ASM) does this well as you can see here. Or click on the image below to experience its intuitive and well-designed site that works responsively on mobile or desktop.
ASM is focused on producing specialty metals and oxides for advanced technologies. It’s a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alkane Resources, but the Alkane Board is actively considering a demerger to list ASM independently on the ASX. The listing is anticipated to occur in July 2020, subject to certain regulatory matters and approvals.
ASM's intuitive and well-designed website works responsively on mobile or desktop.
Through its new website, ASM ably communicates how its world-class Dubbo Project is an alternative, sustainable and reliable source of premium-quality zirconium, rare earths, niobium and hafnium as oxides and metals. With pages providing key facts, project updates, environmental reports and management plans.
Notice how its web pages deliver information combined with visuals, like images, maps, infographics and videos. A sure way to engage new investors and high-tech manufacturers in ASM’s industry.
Once listed, ASM’s website is ready to support next steps for its new status with additional features, such as share price charts, ASX announcements and more.
ASM’s website was designed to use the Newsroom news delivery tool of IRM – Online Investor Communications Specialists. IRM were pleased to work with ASM to jump-start their online investor presence.
Interested in creating a new website or redesigning your current one to support a business move? Give us a call today on +61 2 8705 5444 or email clientrelations@irmau.com for a quick chat.