Think about it.
At this very moment, someone may be searching for your company online.
It's how things work in this digital age. Clients and investors will search the web to engage with your business.
They expect your company to have an online presence, at least a website. And if you don't have one, they'll consider you less professional.
While your website must be present and searchable, it doesn’t have to be fancy and expensive. It just needs to represent your company with the right design and key messages.
Check out how Bryah Resources (ASX:BYH) owned its online presence with its recently launched website. You’ll see how its web pages can be found quickly so investors can engage with its business with ease.
Bryah is a Perth-based mineral exploration company. Through its latest website, you’ll understand the company’s focus on exploration for high-grade copper-gold and manganese resources.
Bryah’s home page greets you with a clean aesthetic layout, supported by vivid images and smooth navigation. You’ll experience how the company conveys its messages through its custom Twitter feed and latest news section. With each news item to be viewed individually or a full list to be accessed on its ASX announcements page.
Interested about Bryah’s share prices and charts? No need to look further. You’ll find it in an instant on its home page. You can also track the company's performance over different time periods in a more detailed chart within its Investor Centre.
Bryah’s Investor Centre is a gold mine for investor information. It’s where you’ll find the company’s investor fact sheet for a printable snapshot of its key data. All its financial reports and presentations are available on the page as well as an image gallery of its projects.
The website likewise allows Bryah to easily update content on each page and send news to subscribers via email or its social media pages. Talk about efficient communication with its investor community!
Bryah’s website was built using HQi and Newsroom from IRM – Online Investor Communications Specialists. IRM were very pleased to collaborate with Bryah on advancing their online investor presence.
Launching your website or having it redesigned is not as difficult as you think. Read more about it here.
Reach us on +61 2 8705 5444 and clientrelations@irmau.com for more help on getting started.