Release 4.3 of IRM HQi – for IRM website and Newsroom clients – was released in December 2015. It provides users of the HQi content management system the ability to request and track support requests through HQi.

Once logged in to HQi, a user can “Create New Support Request”. It can include a descriptive title, a priority, an optional link to the affected web page, an optional link to a shared Dropbox folder of any attached files, and a free form text description of the request.

The support request is logged in real time to IRM’s support team with a status of “Not Started”. As the request progresses, you will be able to monitor the changing status as evidence of progress.

Also available is a list of all of the previously logged support requests, filtered by currently open /all requests. This is a list of all support requests submitted by any HQi user for this company, so you can see what others have requested if there are multiple people involved.
From the list, the user can select an individual request and see the current status of the request, the expected completion date, and any comments made by IRM support people.

RM prides itself on its high quality and quick support service. The HQi support request capability is just another way for clients to request support – and naturally we are still available on the phone and by email as usual!
Finally, if you’d like to view previous support requests not submitted through HQi, e.g. your recent phone or email support requests, ask us to attach them to the list.
Find out more about how this works in the IRM Help Centre at:
Please let us know if you have comments or suggestions about this new initiative, we’re always looking to improve!
Related blog posts discussing HQi Release 4.3:
IRM HQi upgraded to Release 4.3
Online IRM product catalogue for IRM HQi and IRM Newsroom users
IRM Newsroom enhancement for Boardroom.Media clients