Not all investor presentations are created equal.
If you want to stand out, your presentation should be the kind that attracts investors’ attention. One that clearly communicates your company’s value. Because investors are happier to invest in companies they like and which they feel are professional in their business.
Your presentation should get investors excited about your company. So, they’ll be sold on committing capital into your business.
But it can’t be too wordy. The less text the better. Remember, it’s a conversation with investors where you’re sharing your company’s story, not giving a lecture.
It’s important that your slides look to show. Meaning, it’s visual and easy to read, specially from afar. After all, you’re going to do all the talking during the slideshow.
Here’s how you can wow your audience with a great investor presentation:
1. Be clear with your message
Investors will easily grasp information if you have a clear focus on your message. Highlight the most relevant facts about your business in your slide deck. Then provide more general aspects about your operations.
It also helps to be specific when writing content. For instance, a slide entitled “Financial Update” may be better defined with a title that says, “Profits Increased 10% YOY”.
2. Communicate your brand in your slides
Your slideshow will look professional if you use your brand and make the style consistent. Like having the same font, font sizes and colours throughout the slides.
Adding your logo or ASX ticker is a great way to do this. It will bring recall, identifying your company as the owner of the slides to make each slide like a piece of message. So, if the slides are later shared individually to interested investors, they’ll be able to find more info about investing in your business.
3. Choose effective visuals in your presentation
Pictures are more memorable than words. Don’t miss out on the chance to visualise your data as you communicate to investors!
Use photos, charts, graphs to represent your company’s talking points. Interesting images will keep investors engaged with valuable information about your company. Just don’t let those graphics clutter up your slideshow.
It’s that simple
Now, you’re ready to get your audience talking with your investor presentation! Make sure your message is clear and your brand is conveyed in your slide deck. Don’t forget to add visuals that will hold investors’ attention throughout your slideshow.
Does your investor presentation cut the mustard?
IRM's graphic design team can help. Check out our graphic design capabilities on our website here.
We can provide a new up-to-date template for your investor presentation. We can layout and design individual slides for your presentation as well. This way, you'd not only be set up and looking good for now. You’d have a better base for future slideshows in your new template too.
You may want some assistance to take your logo or brand colours and develop a style guide, if you don't have one yet. Or update it with some more modern colours or fonts.
We can also help with document templates, report templates, ASX Announcement templates, letterheads, business cards and more. If these aspects are well organised, it will make the production of professional offer documents or transaction websites that are much smoother and quicker as your funding process progresses.
Contact us today on +61 2 8705 5444 or clientrelations@irmau.com so we can get started.