New features were released recently with the roll out of version 4.1 of the IRM HQi Content Management System (CMS), which is the engine room of our clients’ websites and IRM Newsroom. And we rolled out an Online Help Centre!
We’ve added Subscriber Groups, Improved Newsroom email notifications, a Newsroom Announcement History feature, lots of minor improvements, and a full online help centre.
IRM Newsroom continues to improve, with these new features in Release 4.1 of HQi rolled out recently. All IRM clients now have the new release, which also includes a large number of tiny improvements to both functionality and usability.
As part of our ongoing commitment to improving the IRM product offering, we keep working on our ongoing software development wish list, which evolves both through client requests and as best practice IR trends change. If you have suggestions, we love to hear them!
Here are the major changes that you now have access to through Release 4.1 of HQi:
1. Subscriber Groups
This feature gives you the ability to create specific subscriber groups, allowing you to target particular subscribers for your communications.

Newsroom has always allowed subscribers to choose which website sections they subscribe to, but until now hasn’t allowed the company to make additional choices.
You can now create new Subscriber Groups and manage the subscribers for each group using a new Manage Subscribers section. You are able to upload new subscribers and transfer existing subscribers between subscriber groups.
You can then target these particular groups through the distribution settings in Newsroom and Compose New Mail, allowing you to tailor your messaging to certain groups for more effective communication.

Find out how you can add and tailor your subscriber groups at our new help centre here.
IRM tip: use subscriber groups as you would use any email groups function.
For instance, you could ensure all your employees are signed up to receive Email Alerts, and then use the subscriber groups function to email detail of importance to your team – such as notes from the CEO.
Similarly, consider how you can use this function for delivering tailored communications to investors that you’ve recently met on roadshows.
To make best use of the function, add your roadshow targets as subscribers, then send them a note to thank them for the recent meeting, provide a copy of your investor presentation and note that you’ve added them to the email alerts list to keep them up to date with your progress (they can of course, unsubscribe at any point in time.)
2. Newsroom Email Notifications
The Approval Required and Release Notification emails that you can receive while releasing an ASX Announcement have been upgraded to provide you with more information. We now describe which sections of the website the announcement has been uploaded to as well as which subscriber groups and social media platforms it was distributed to.

3. Newsroom announcement history
We’ve introduced further details in the history section of Newsroom so you can see which member of your organisation released each announcement and which areas of the website and subscriber groups the updates were sent to. At the far right hand side of the announcements that have been previously released you will now see the additional link titled History.

When you click on the history tab you find out the historical information about who released the announcement, when they released it and the precise channels that it was distributed through.

4. Our new IRM Help Centre
In addition to these updates we are also proud to introduce the IRM Help Centre which provides helpful guides and how to’s for the various features of the IRM HQi content management system. See this post for more info.
For more detail on how you can use IRM HQi to run your investor communications, please contact Danny Hunt, Client Relations Manager, on T: +61 2 8705 5444 or via