Hosting an annual general meeting (AGM) is quite a challenge in our current COVID-19 situation.
Traditional in-person shareholder meetings are no longer feasible. What with restrictions on large-group meetings and travel. Not to mention investor concerns about social distancing and joining large gatherings.
Thankfully, technology today enables companies to hold virtual AGMs. So that requirements are still met, information is presented to shareholders and their questions answered.
Is your company choosing a virtual meeting for your AGM this year? Or are you pushing back your meeting to a later date, as regulators permit?
Whatever route you are taking, it is important to clearly communicate your move to shareholders and participants. This way, they will know what to expect. A headstart to a productive and positive AGM experience for your company as well as your investors.
A brilliant way to deliver all information on your AGM is through an AGM page on your website. This page will not only contain the date, time and venue of your meeting. It will present other related documents, such as your Annual Report, Notice of Meeting, Proxy form, Shareholder Presentation and webcast of the meeting (following the event).
What a convenient way to have all communications in one AGM page!
See a great example in the website of Phoslock Environmental Technologies. Phoslock (ASX:PET) provides innovative water technologies and engineering solutions to manage nutrients and other water pollutants.
Phoslock's AGM page is a one-stop info hub for its upcoming meeting.
Take a look at how Phoslock’s AGM page design is visually appealing and well-aligned with the overall website. Its clean aesthetics draw in investors to easily find a brief on the AGM, meeting outline and proxy document.
Check out the AGM Access box (with date and time) that will link to the webcast during the actual event. Meanwhile, other highlighted boxes will direct investors to Phoslock’s Share Price charts, latest Annual Report, and relevant documents for the meeting.
The comprehensive AGM page has a left-hand navigation to help investors find additional info about Phoslock, like its investor summary, broker research and investor enquiries. It also engages investors to connect with the company through a Contact Us box and Email Alerts sign up.
Phoslock’s website was created through the HQi content management system of IRM – Online Investor Communications Specialists. IRM were pleased to help out Phoslock on strengthening their online investor presence.
All set for your upcoming AGM? Call us today on +61 2 8705 5444 for some ideas on creating your own AGM page. You can also email clientrelations@irmau.com to discuss your queries.