Investor Fact Sheet

Product Name:

Investor Fact Sheet


An Investor Fact Sheet on the website provides time poor investors with a single page source of key information, able to be downloaded and printed as an effective online brochure.


A fact sheet page can be simple HTML, but IRM recommends that we do a full graphic design job on the document so that it properly represents your company both in online and print form.
Individual HQi Premium features do not attract separate ongoing charges. There may be time charged to your support plan to set up the feature in your instance of HQi.

Related Products:

As a HQi Premium Feature, this is added on to the HQi Corporate plan (only one premium feature for Corporate plans) and is available with all other Premium Features on the HQi Enterprise plan.

Manufacturer Name:

IRM Pty Ltd

Category Name:

Website Premium Features


No Charge


Fact sheet design brief and content