May 14th, 2021

Polymetals Resources website gets a head start on IPO

Getting ready for an initial public offering (IPO) takes a lot of work. You have a prospectus to draft, roadshows to coordinate, investors to win over. With so many to-dos, the last thing you’ll probably think about is your website.

But the amount of communication involved when your company goes public cannot be underestimated. New regulations and processes will be in place as stock exchanges like the ASX have requirements on what information to publish and when.

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May 10th, 2021

Kazia Therapeutics website innovates for growth

How is your company positioned for growth? What sets you apart from your competitors?

These are just some questions investors seek to answer as they search for information about your venture. Before allotting capital in your organisation, they’ll want to know your business model, purpose and strategy. They’ll want to understand your competitive advantage and how you will generate long-term sustainable value.

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