When is it time for a new investor website?

Posted in IRM News

New website needed

Let’s be honest.

You look at your website and you know it can do better.

It looks old and out of date. It’s slow and unresponsive. It doesn’t represent your growing business at all. And it would give investors the wrong impression, wouldn’t it?

Factors that may affect your site’s lifespan are related to changes in your business. Other defining elements may be related to modifications to the Web and in your audience’s expectations.

There’s actually no definite time frame for a website’s shelf life. Some experts say a site is good for 2-5 years. Others say upgrades are necessary when your website exceeds its third year.

However, time shouldn’t be the only reason for your site’s renovation. Your decision for a redesign should depend more on how your audience engages with your website.

And with resurgent investor interest, why not take advantage of giving your site a new fresh look? These 4 red flags could help you see if it’s time for a new investor website for your business.

Website redesign needed

A slow website is just one of the telltale signs that your site needs a refresh.

Red flag #1: It’s been too long since you’ve restyled your site’s design.

When was the last time you gave your site a makeover? If you can’t even remember when, then a revamp is most likely due. Especially if you haven’t even upgraded after you launched the website.

Now, go through your web pages. How do they look? Contemporary? Old-fashioned? Do they still attract and appeal to all investors? Really?

Remember, an objective review of your website is an imperative step towards improving it.

Red flag #2: Your business has rebranded.

If your company has adopted a new name, then it must be reflected in your website, right? Your site needs to be consistent. How else would people know that the new name and logo belongs to the same company they’ve been working with.

Or maybe you’ve kept your brand but given it a new spin as seen in your latest annual reports or presentations. You can use those great design concepts on your website to make it more progressive.

Slow website

If your website is hard to maintain or not mobile-friendly, it's time for a new site.

Red flag #3: Your site is just slow and hard to maintain.

It goes without saying that design and technology advances at top speed nowadays. So it’s but natural for your audience to expect that same proficiency from your website.

If your site takes ages to load, that’s a turn off for your audience. If you can’t even update it with new content, you’re heading the opposite direction from giving your audience a great experience on your website.

A website migration might be your best recourse if technology is the issue. You’ll need the latest system to help your site work fast. The kind of tools that allow you to easily maintain your website as well.

This capability should enable your site to run smoothly on both desktop and mobile devices. So make sure your website not only looks appealing. It should be super mobile friendly too.

Red flag #4: You need investor tools and information to refresh your online presence.

Even well-designed websites need a face lift once every few years. Or at least an evaluation on certain periods because of technology changes and audience engagement.

Perhaps you need an interactive timeline or map to showcase your projects or operations. Or your share prices and charts need to be prominently displayed on your homepage.

Maybe you want to quickly send out ASX Announcements to investors simultaneously with posting them on your site. Or you need an AGM page to offer a central information hub for your virtual AGM right on your website. 

These are just some ideas on how you can continue to enhance your investor communications through your website. After all, there’s always room for growth in a dynamic organisation like yours.

Investor tools neededAudience engagement is one of the best indicators of your website’s lifespan.

In the final analysis

If your business has rebranded or it’s just been ages since your website has been redesigned, then it's time for a new investor site. Particularly if your site is slow and hard to maintain. You're also up for a fresh site if you need to upgrade your online presence with investor tools and information.

Some help on rebuilding your website

Each company is unique. And while these red flags may help you consider a website restructuring, there may be other factors that could influence your decision.

IRM is happy to work with you to review your current site. We can assist you on improving your web pages to help achieve your business goals.

As Australia’s leading investor website company, we understand there are different ways to improve your online presence. You may want a small refresh, a redesign, a technology transplant or a total overhaul. We’re well equipped to complete all of these. With your existing site or a new one.

It’s easier and quicker than you think, and probably costs less than you think. And with IRM HQi technology, a redesign would be further away and easier to do, giving lower long-term costs.

A number of our 170 clients have recently launched new websites. See some examples of our work here.

If you’d like to talk with one of our account managers, please call on +61 2 8705 5444 or email clientrelations@irmau.com.

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in March 2018 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.