November 16th, 2018

Save time (and effort) on your investor communications

There must be a better way to do things.

Investor relations have more pressing matters to attend to than getting tangled up in the nitty gritty of sending out announcements.

You know the drill.

The first task is posting on your website. Logging on to ASX Online. Waiting for confirmation from the Issuers Office. Making sure the announcement’s correct version is uploaded on the right pages of your website. Sometimes having to ask help from web support when your uploads fail to work.

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November 9th, 2018

Amplia Therapeutics unveils new website with handy CMS

The power of the web.

You know this well enough. That's why your company has its own website.

It's not just developing the right website though. It’s also about maintaining the site for your business.

Your website needs to be regularly updated to echo your company's identity and business values in the online world. It doesn't have to be complicated for it to establish awareness and trust for investors. It just needs to provide the latest information that gives a significant impact. So, investors keep coming back to your site.

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October 31st, 2018

Paranta Biosciences website zooms in on investor community

Is your business an unlisted public company?

Chances are you have many of the same investor communication needs as listed companies.

For instance, your shareholders also need to reference your corporate information. So they can be reassured about your investment proposition. And be able to support your successive funding rounds.

A great website is the ideal way to communicate well with your investors. This includes the broader group of people who have invested or might invest, or might influence investors.

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October 22nd, 2018

How to provide high quality online investor presence for your company

Attracting investors is a real-time global competition. Conducted online. 24/7.

As investors make choices in their investor journey, the challenge is how to help each investor take that next step towards more engagement and investment with you. Not the competitor.

Perhaps you’ve heard about the 10 Success Factors for your online investor presence? Discover for yourself how you can achieve this kind of success, as simplified under four headings.

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October 5th, 2018

Acrow adds features to build up website for investors

Your website is the authority for investors.

It’s the source of all the information they need.

But investors don’t get to visit your website every day. That’s why your site needs to attract them when there’s news about your company. Or when there’s something they want to seek out.

Luckily, there are various ways to enhance your website without having to do a complete overhaul. Sometimes a supplementary device is all you need to boost your site’s efficiencies.

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September 28th, 2018

Vitalharvest gets all revved up for the market

Going public.

It’s more than just selling stock.

It’s a definitive sign of your company's success.

To be sure, you’ll undertake a massive effort in the process. It IS after all a significant event in your company’s life.

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September 21st, 2018

Tectonic Gold arises following merger

Merging with a company or acquiring another?

Good on you!

A mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity is a great strategy for growth. As new entities emerge, a lot of things change. And a unified brand needs to be established to align with your new business strategy.

You may need to rename your company, create a new logo or to co-brand. In order to present a clear and consistent message to your clients and investors.

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September 14th, 2018

Investor Relations and the art of selling shares

From an investor’s perspective, purchasing shares is not much different from buying shoes or a car.

Yes, investors are customers, too. They go through a buying process as they decide to spend their money.

Their buying process starts with their needs. Then it goes through a series of steps to an eventual decision. Parting with cash in return for shares. A process otherwise known as the investor journey.

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September 7th, 2018

Dacian's mobile-friendly website breaks new ground

Checking your mail. Managing your bank account. Chatting with colleagues across the globe.

Everything is online nowadays.

These tasks are just a few that can be done from the comfort of your office or while waiting for your train. All in a matter of seconds. All through the Web.

And when you’re running a business, it’s not enough to just have a website. More importantly, it needs to be mobile-friendly.

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August 31st, 2018

Liquefied Natural Gas powers up website with new look, details

Attention grabbers.

That's what videos are. 

It's because videos instantly strike a chord with audiences. You've seen how this works on YouTube, Facebook and other social media platforms with videos.

No doubt, videos have a way of captivating people. It works wonders on websites too.

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August 24th, 2018

How the new CHESS Replacement System will impact listed companies and their investors

In today’s IRMatters post, Antony Tolfts, listings director at Sydney Stock Exchange Limited, shares his thoughts on the CHESS replacement system's potential effect on your company as well as your investors.

There has been a great deal of anticipation around the CHESS replacement system, to date the focus has been on the technical makeup of the replacement system, but how do we think listed companies and their investors will be impacted by the change?

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August 17th, 2018

HGL enriches website with investor-focused features

Triumphs over adversities.

Significant achievements.

Moments of inspiration.

These are just some milestones that have shaped your organisation. And perhaps you may be so used to these events that you've missed out on how they have marked your company’s evolution.

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August 10th, 2018

The importance of your online investor presence

First impressions count.

As investors start to learn more about your company, they will usually check you out online first.

This helps them subconsciously decide whether to take the next step. Or to simply move on to other opportunities.

And when investors seek more information about you online, they’ll choose their touchpoints.

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August 3rd, 2018

Europa Metals launches as new name of Ferrum Crescent

It can be a lot easier.

Meaning, you won’t have to start from scratch when you’re updating your website. Even for a rebrand.

As long as your content management system can handle the changes. Effecting your new name and logo won’t be any trouble at all.

Especially if you have an expert support team to help you with the modifications on your design and content. You won’t need to handle all the techy stuff of URLs, domain and what nots.

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July 27th, 2018

IRM HQi 5.2 Release Notes: New features and improvements

HQi continually upgrades to equip you with better tools to manage your website.

This latest version contains a new Biography section where you can showcase your leadership or teams on your website.

Other performance improvements include those in IRM Newsroom and HQi Blog to keep your website running smoothly.

Read along to get more details on the new features.

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July 26th, 2018

How to maintain your investor website without the hassle

Some love and attention.

Yup! Your investor website needs those too!

This means you’ve got to do regular maintenance.

Come on now.

Don’t just build and forget your site. It’ll waste the hard work you put into creating that well-designed and engaging Web page.

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July 20th, 2018

LPE energises website to boost talent pool

Are you attracting top talent for your company?

If you want the job done well, if you want results delivered, you’ve got to hire the right personnel.

Sure, job ads, social media and word of mouth are helpful ways to draw in applicants. But these efforts only direct job seekers to your company’s website. (Yes, they should.)

And without a careers section in your site, how will you spark the interest of potential staff? If your careers page isn’t inviting, how will they be moved to apply?

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July 12th, 2018

4 tips for a successful online IR [Infographic]

Want to attract and retain investors through your website?

It’s key to understand why they do what they do - or do not do.

Investors take a journey as they think about your company.

They move from stranger to advocate, through a series of stages. Using touchpoints of their choosing.

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July 6th, 2018

Element 25 shines as new name of Montezuma Mining

Keeping up with the times?

Or just effecting a change in company strategy?

A rebrand of your business can be a result of different factors. Perhaps you’re expanding into new markets. Or diversifying the kind of products or service you offer.

Whatever your reasons, it’s imperative that your new brand be reflected on your website and all other forms of communications.

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June 29th, 2018

How to measure your investor website’s effectiveness

Your website has great design. Rich content. Smooth navigation.


But is it effective?                       

Is it reaching your intended target audience? And are they engaging in it?

A way to find out is to measure your site. To see how it stacks up against current web standards and across peers.

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