Noxopharm spin off launches own website

Posted in Website News

Growth. Expansion. That’s always good news.

You’d want everyone to be updated with these advancements, wouldn’t you? Especially your stakeholders. And what better way to do this than through a supportive website.

Here’s how Australian biotech Noxopharm Ltd. was able to quickly launch a site for its new subsidiary.

Noxopharm recently established Nyrada Inc., a U.S.-based biotechnology spin off. The latest unit is distinct from Noxopharm as it will focus on a different aspect of drug development.

So Noxopharm partnered with IRM to create a separate website for Nyrada. One that is geared towards the investor community.

This unique site defines the relationship of Noxopharm and Nyrada. And it describes how Nyrada will run its specific operations.

Among its features, Nyrada’s website gives an overview of the unit and its management details. It has an Investor Q and A page that addresses important items for stakeholders, such as shareholder benefits and funding.

The site includes Nyrada’s corporate news to keep investors updated as the unit advances. A subscribe button is also highlighted to enable investors to receive company announcements via email.

For now, the microsite still has some basic elements. But as the unit expands, its website is certainly capable of growing with it too.

Nyrada’s website is delivered using HQi from IRM – Online Investor Communications Specialists. IRM were very pleased to work with Noxopharm and Nyrada on this exciting investor communications capability.

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