Upgrade your Online IR Presence without the hassle: IRM Online IR Suggestions

Posted in IRM News

We guess you’re as passionate about your online investor relations presence as we are. Reaching investors online, at the touchpoints of their choosing and at the time they choose, is the main challenge of online IR activities. We’re happy to help with our suggestions, specifically tailored for you.

Perhaps your email strategies need a lift, or your social media presence needs to work harder for you. Does your home page help people like you, get the key messages through, and “Sell” the first click?

Maybe your Investor Centre could use more pages? You’d want your current dividends or capital structure to stand out, right?

These ideas are just a few examples of how your online IR presence can be upgraded. We promise you at least five ideas you will be able to implement.

All you need to do is ask for our Online IR Suggestions. The result is a chatty helpful discussion, no long formal report, and it’s free. For IRM clients, the results of it can be recorded in HQi for you to look through and choose from when you are ready.

IRM’s Online IR Suggestions are recommended improvements to your online IR presence — email, social media, website and more — following a look at your company’s most recent announcements and developments. These varied recommendations aim to strengthen your online presence, capture excitement and highlight key business messages.

How to tap into this help?

Step 1: Request the Online IR Consulting Service

Clients on our HQi or IRM Newsroom Enterprise Website plans may request this service at any time as part of their plan’s 3 free consulting services per year.

Not on such plan, or not an IRM client? We can still help! Just ask us.

We’ll provide the results of the review, normally in an email which is designed to be approachable, informal and readable. It’s not a formal piece of professional advice, just at least five helpful suggestions.

Step 2: Consider the recommendations

If you’re an HQi or IRM Newsroom user, your online IR suggestions will be accessible from your HQi’s “Support Request History” tab, under “Support.” From there you’ll view a list of any proposed improvements that IRM can assist to implement. Each task will contain specific details on the intended work to be done.

Here you can edit the suggestion description to expand or add your own flavour to it.

If you’re not an IRM client, please let us know if there’s any way we can help with implementation.

Step 3: Approve the upgrades you want

If you’re an IRM client, implementing many of the suggestions is actually quick and easy.

In HQi, choose the suggestions you want actioned. All you have to do is approve (or decline!) each one. The IRM Support service will swing into action to get the job done.

Or just leave the ideas there for later.

Now wasn’t that simple?

Why not ask IRM for your tailored Online IR Suggestions? Then consider the ideas, choose your favourites, and before you know it things will start getting much better.

If you’d like more info on this new service, please call us on +61 2 8705 5444 or email support@irmau.com. We hope to hear from you soon!