3 ways to improve your news delivery to investors  

Posted in IRM News

Investors want the news. Now.

It’s how they progress through their investor journey. They move from stranger to advocate, based on decisions triggered mainly by your company news.

That’s why you need to send investors your news wherever they are online. Whether it’s through your website, email, social media or news distribution channels.

Just do it straightaway. For better engagement with them.

Here are 3 ways to enhance your communication of news to investors:

1. Deliver your news immediately

Provide prompt distribution of ASX announcements to your website, email subscribers and social media accounts. Having an automated system or quick authorise process would help publish your news instantly. It will save you time while you deliver news quickly. Without delay!

2. Tailor your message

Put a short message for each announcement to briefly explain it. This little intro can elaborate more on the title of the article.

Then choose your distribution channels per announcement. Not all news items should be emailed to your subscribers, right? Some may just be posted on the website, while others can be shared through Twitter or your Facebook page as well. Determine which news items go into specific channels. Whether it's through your website, sent via email or posted on your social media accounts.

3. Expand your reach

Your company news isn’t limited to your ASX announcements alone. Your corporate blog is another way of communicating updates with your investor audience. So, forward it as news too!

You can also relay news from other media sources when they talk about your company or your industry. Include other third-party sources, like ABN Newswire, Boardroom Media, Financial News Network and Proactive Investors.

In short 

If you want to strengthen your news delivery to investors, relay your news immediately. Don't delay. It would also help to tailor your messages for specific distribution channels and expand your reach with other news sources. These best practices will help you better communicate with investors as they make decisions regarding your company.

Sending news can be a lot easier

IRM Newsroom makes sending your news effective, easy and quick. It’s a great investor communication tool for ASX-listed companies.

Newsroom also manages your email subscribers list, right from your website. It integrates with any website and particularly well with WordPress and IRM HQi.

Would you like a demo to find out more about how Newsroom can save you time? Chat with one of our account managers today on +61 2 8705 5444 or clientrelations@irmau.com.

Feel free to view our FAQs for additional information. Or click the links to read more about IRM News Services and the News Touchpoints investors use for news.